For those that do not know, a console system doesn't net a really large profit for retailers. With such limited supplies and such high demands a retailer turns to the dark side: forcing you to buy products that have nice margins.
Last year's Xbox 360 launch was no different, on some sites you were forced to buy a Premium Xbox 360 with three games and a memory card. What do you need a memory card for when you are purchasing a 360 with a hard drive? You don't! That's the point. But, you bought it anyway didn't you?
Some eBay sales were pushing USD $4,000 for an Xbox 360 complete with odd bundles. One eBayers was selling a Premium 360 complete with a Mustang, an LCD HDTV and a Sony DVD Player. Yeah, that's right, a Mustang. It's like the ultimate bundle right? Sure, the mustang was 15 years old and probably didn't start - but what a deal!
It is amazing what people will do to make a few extra dollars on a hyped product. 1up.com says CompUSA was running a sale where one could buy a new Sony HDTV (MSRP USD $1,799 or more) and get the chance to pre-order a PS3. You spend all that cash so that you can get a PlayStation 3 "someday" (CompUSA isn't known for getting huge gaming products on day one). In the end, you walk away with a hole in your wallet the size of USD $2,000 so you can PS3 before other gamers get the chance.
Wal-Mart is getting in the game, selling Wii consols for USD $600.00 or more by bundling it with a set of games (although you got to pick). This, however, is better than the deal at amazon.com which is boasting a "low price" on a Wii (alone) for $999.99 in "new" condition being sold by Sweet Makki's and listed as "just launched."
Perhaps retail bundles are better deals than the auctions and pawn shops which are scalping gamers for products that are not even launched in the US yet. If you plan on purchasing a system this year and are not waiting in a launch line, prepare to buy games and accessories you may not need in order to get that sweet little console plugged in your TV this holiday season.