Circuit City is Pwning Customers

Let Circuit City install backwards compatibility on your Xbox 360 for the low price of $28.99.

Huh!? Do you think I'm kidding? No, a circuit city customer found this little piece of information and took a nice shot with their digital camera (phone?). Apparently Circuit City will "install" backwards compatibility on your Xbox 360 for money. When did this become a challenge?

As far as I know, to install a game from an original Xbox to your Xbox 360 requires you to hit the little eject button and place the original Xbox game into your 360 drive and your done. Right?

A Circuit City store in Newport Beach, California has a sign that reads:

Want to play your original xbox games on your new Xbox 360?

Backward compatibility on the Xbox 360 is done through software*

Let Circuit City install it for you For just $28.99

What are the benefits to playing original Xbox games on my Xbox 360 console?
  • Every game* will be playable in high definition.
  • Every original Xbox game* will be upscaled to 720p and 1080i, and will take advantage of Xbox 360's anti-aliasing capabilities, delivering a picture that is clear and crisper than anything available on Xbox.

    *Refer to the original Xbox games list to ensure compatibility on the Xbox 360.
First issue? This requires either a) xbox live connectivity or b) software microsoft can send you in the mail. More than likely (given the statistics Microsoft is talking about for Xbox Live subscriptions) the gamer is going to have or be having a LIVE! connection at home. That means, they have to connect it and power up the game.

What a nice retailer would do... one that would want you to come back for service in the future, would be to give you a friendly smile, tell you how to do it at home easily and thank you for shopping at [store name] and to come back if you need some games or further assistance. This builds what many people call "customer relationships" - rather than stealing money from them because they're not knowledgeable enough to know they're getting taken for a ride.

Now, is this a Circuit City constructed idea or just an owner trying to make a few extra dollars? The sign has the Circuit City letter head but that might be used for other things (perhaps fleecing customers out of other products?). I would love to know if this is standard practice for the franchise or it it's just one person being mean.

Thanks Exedus for finding this story

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