Crackdown DLC Now Available In Marketplace.

Crackdown began its life as an open sandbox game from former Grand Theft Auto gurus, spent its mid-life as a marketing experiment for Halo 3, and is kicking back as one of the best Xbox 360 games to date. But this critically-acclaimed sci-fi masterpiece isn’t quite ready to retire to the DVD rack.

We are on the brink of a trifecta of goodies for Crackdown from Realtime worlds and Microsoft, including a title update and both free and pay downloadable content nuggets. We know what you’re thinking: “Hey…how can an already great game become even greater?” That’s a simple task if you’re Realtime Worlds.

For Crackdown, Realtime diligently follow the post-launch forum chatter and attempted to address all of the concerns with the base game, while at the same time adding new content to keep it all fresh. There are also some items that perhaps didn’t make the final cut for Crackdown’s original launch (time constraints will do that to a project of this magnitude) but have been prepared and thrown into the upcoming DLC code. However it actually came about, Crackdown’s Title Update, Free-for-All” and “getting’ Busy” packs are a win-win for those allied to the Agency.

So without further ado, here is what to expect when Crackdown’s downloads come on air…

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