Experience Wii

Many of us have not seen a real Nintendo Wii in action, Nintendo plans to change this problem...

You can now visit the Global Wii Experience at http://us.wii.com to see the Wii in action.

You are able to watch videos of people experiencing the Wii for the first time. There are videos of people playing "Wii Sports," "Excite Truck" and "Legend of Zelda."

I will be honest, when I saw the Wii controller a few months back I dismissed it as a failure. I figured that it was stupid looking and how can you play games with that. Like normal, I was quick to judge. I haven't had the experience of playing the Wii yet, but from watching it being played a local GameSpot I am very impressed. I think that this little console will revolutionize how we play games. Now, instead of being couch potatoes, we can actually simulate the real thing. Instead of Nintendo thumb we will have Nintendo Elbow.

Take a look at some of the videos to see if this system is for you. If that doesn't work, see if you can find some in store demonstrations and "try before you buy."

source: us.wii.com

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