GTA 4 on the 360!

Microsoft fires back at Sony with the announcement that the GTA blockbuster comes to the Xbox 360. Shots fired, man down. A 487 in progress...

Microsoft pulls a good heist this time, by getting the right to release games in the GTA franchise for its 360 hardware. The release date: October 16th, 2007.

Rockstar states that the GTA series will appear in simultanious launch on the 360 and PS3 but it is still a deep wound for Sony. The game's first appearance on the 360 means that Sony will not have the pull to a "unique game" as it once had.

Even if it is common on many gaming platforms the threat is real: Microsoft is aiming for the heart. With Halo 3 announced, GTA 4 announced, and many more games trickling down the pipeline one must ask "What will the PS3 offer in the way of unique experiences?"

Its clear that the Wii took the rumble from the PS3 and Microsoft holds the high ground for first "next gen" system to launch. By November of '06 the Xbox 360 will be a proven next generation console and most of the bugs will have been solved, the XBL network will grow and continue to grow. That leaves a smaller audience for the PS3 and its heavy price tag. Maybe Wii will eat up that market leaving PS3 to collect dust?

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