Nintendo Press Conference

Nintendo has made it clear that they want to build a “new” console, not a next-generation console. “If all you want is next generation, you’re in the wrong place.”

“Next leap is about playing, because playing is believing.”

How is Nintendo defining next-generation? They want to break into areas of gaming using new concepts and new technological designs and not just a better look with superior graphics. It’s time to think outside of the box. To “challenge conventional thinking.” Nintendo says actions speak louder then words. Number one priority for Nintendo is not graphics, its games.

Nintendo publicly stated that they are withholding the actual price and leaving it to remain a “secret.” We will have to wait for Q4 of 2006 in order get our greasy hands on this console and hopefully the price meets everyone’s expectations.

“Industry has come to except progress simply by what’s on the screen.”

Game Control

“Today, you’ll see, tomorrow you’ll start to feel.”

They’re press coverage opened up with all the uses of the new Wii controller design. The video presentation covered many uses of the Wii controller. It is apparent that gamers are going to require true talent in order to defeat many of the next generation games.

Super Mario 64 was about the feel not the looks. Being able to move your character in all directions in real time was what Super Mario 64 was designed to provide. It did not revolutionize graphics; it made games from that point on “feel different.” The Wii console is built to do the same thing.

Expand the game possibilities and you will obtain new types of gamers and renew interest in older gamers. Nintendo wants to grab the attention of the hardcore gaming crowd, find new gamers in the world, and refresh the interest in old gamers that have seen little progress in the last few generations of console systems (besides graphics).

What about that name?

Nintendo was not surprised by the response to “Wii.” They believe “change is good” and Nintendo believes that many names in the market have been odd to hear the first time, but we will get used to it. It’s “the sound of the future.”

Wii Controller in detail

Mr. Miyamoto was kind enough to demo a tennis game on stage to teach everyone how you play tennis with the Wii controller (this tennis game comes with the stock console system pre-installed). During the press conference he pulled the winner of the AOL contest out of the crowd to play with Miyamoto in a team match against a few Nintendo executives. Picture a bunch of executives trying to play the new Wii controller for the first time… interesting to say the least. N00bs. In any case, it proved proof that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this system is playable. This game will also be available on the show floor for all to play.

And it’s got sound! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

The Wii controller has a built in speaker that will provide you with yet another depth of sound. In Zelda this internal speaker will play the Zelda chime when you find secrets (the one that plays when you pushed secret blocks in the original game). It will sound like a bow string being pulled tight when you aim your shots at the enemies in Twilight Princess.

The Wii controller “points” on the screen to move around game menus (like in Zelda), target with shotguns, point with your bow, poke your enemies.

Most importantly when comparing with the PS3: The controller has the build in rumble feature that Sony said they couldn’t pull off due to their “sensor system.” How did Nintendo do this if Sony just couldn’t figure it out? Perhaps they lied about the real reasoning and are being forced to NOT include it because of the lawsuit with the patent holder of the rumble feature (Immersion).

Wii Games

Mario Galaxy. Miyamoto has designed a new Mario game for the Nintendo Wii. Looks like your classic Super Mario 3d franchise with better graphics with a brand new feeling. The feeling centers on the new Wii controller.

Excite Truck. Think excite bike with trucks. Then put it into a 3d perspective and layer on that amazing graphics. The driving and tilting controls are based on Wii’s controller mechanics so you’re truly going to be “in” the game. Do you lean when you play because you think its going to make your driving better? With this game it just might.

Sonic: Sega says its time to put Sonic back into gear. Sony liked the controller idea and had to build a game to implement it.

Red Steel: First person shooter with real time physics, destructible environments, looks great graphically, and takes advantage of the new Wii controller. The game was played on stage by Nintendo representatives. It was not scripted and pre-rendered, it was real. You can use your left controller to wave down submitted enemies. You can tell them what you want them do to: wave down on the controller and they fall to the ground. Graphically the game was impressive but not the exact quality of GRAW on the Xbox 360. The game features were unique and intriguing. A “matrix mode” slow down occurs when you want to give you team commands to target specific enemies, and then plays out in real time when your commands are done. This game also contains sword fighting, so you will have dozens of combinations to learn in order to master the sword fight with your Wii controller.

Some of the other games that flashed by in some of the fast demo screens:
Metroid Prime 3, Dragon Quest, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Fire Emblem, The Legend of Zelda, SpongBob Square Pants, Tony Hawk, Super Swing Golf, Sonic Wild, Project H.A.M.M.E.R, Madden, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and others.

Nintendo Wii Games “on disk”

Many sports games (especially those in the commercial trailers) are installed on the box. Tennis, golf, and baseball come pre-installed. The arcade style graphics were not mind boggling but the games are great demos of the controller capabilities.

This means you can purchase the console and you can go home and play it. This allows you to get used to the controller mechanisms and game with friends. If you want to go out and buy games on release date (such as Twilight Princess) you can opt for that as well.

Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess [ launch title ]

The Legend of Zelda was called out at the conference, and will be out on launch day with the Wii. Nintendo premiered Twilight Princess “playing” for real and it was playable.

The graphics are definitely not cell shaded. Zelda is fully rendered similar to what you’d see in a next generation game system. Graphics look better then the Game Cube so lets cut any rumors down now. The new controller will add a spin on the game that is unlike any other Zelda game to date. For instance, you can throw crates in the game by giving the remote a quick whipping motion. The controller motions are displayed on screen so that you know what motions you should be making for a given action.

You can jab with your controller to do shield pushes. Stab down with the nun chuck and Links stabs down at his enemies. Spin attacks, and all, the controller is interactive.

Nintendo said the show floor will give playable demos of Link doing his relaxing fishing (bring your own beer).

Wii – real time “network” gaming

Wii goes into standby mode when you’re not playing, but is constantly listening on the network. The Wii console can be constantly connected and will chat on the Wii gaming network to get updates, new game weapons, and keep persistence.

If you’re in bed your buddies can still connect into your persistent world running on your console to play. The console is “off” but wakes up to service incoming gamers. Interesting. Very PC like.


So, after listening in on the live press conference I must say that almost all my questions have been answers. All but the damn price and actual date anyway. The Wii console contains graphics that are much higher quality then the Game Cube and almost all the games that were shown on screen were not "cartoon like." Do they match the Xbox 360? Probably not, but if the price is lower then the premium Xbox 360 I can forget that fast enough

The Nintendo crew is back on track with their common theme: make games fun, make games refreshing, and try to change how we play games. It does not seem, from the examples on stage, that the Wii controller is a novelty item that will die off in time. All games are taking advantage of its power and its modivating to see that it is not a classic nintendo "Light Gun" device. The console will ship with more games then all prior "Light Guns" combined.

Nintendo plays down the next generation label and states that they are making an entertainment device. They want us to purchase the console because of its attractive features, its quality gaming content, presumably low price, over the desire to just get "next generation" before your neighbors do.

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