Nintendo replacing Wiimote Straps

Nintendo has decided to do the right thing and replace their weak straps which are causing Wiimotes to smash through TV’s, hit people or break miscellaneous other living room objects.

At first Nintendo put out a press release saying people were using excessive force when handling the Wiimote. Obviously you don’t need to use tennis racket force when you’re playing Tennis or bowling ball level force when you’re playing bowling. Softer movements work just as well. Then Nintendo launched their Wii safety page also to try and change customer behavior from using excessive force.

Now however it looks like Nintendo has manned up and decided to just replace the wrist strap which looks like it connects to the Wiimote with fishing line. If you have broken your Wiimote strap, Nintendo will replace it for free. They have also come up with a new strap design that will be included in all future Wii’s coming off the line.

If you want to replace your strap with the new ‘enhanced’ version, go to:

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