Nintendo says Wii is on track for launch

While Sony releases its bad news about launch cuts and delays Nintendo pipes up with a "we're doing fine, just to let you know."

Obviously, their public statement was announced due to the Sony disappointments. Nintendo plans to launch in the fourth-quarter of 2006 as planned.

Nintendo also forcasts 6-million units shipped by March 31, 2007. This is roughly the same date that Sony plans to produce similar figures - regardless of the failure to produce enough product in 2006.

Will Sony catch up and deliver 6-million consoles on the same date that Nintendo is predicting with half the amount ready in 2006 then originally thought?

In the wake of this news, Nintendo is probably planning a hostile take-over for the holiday season. As customers "not in the know" head to stores to buy a PlayStation 3 but find none...they can turn around and find a shelf full of Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 systems.

While Nintendo may not hold out against the PS3 directly, they definately can take advantage of Sony's dry spell for as long as possible. If the Wii ships with a large set of great titles for the holidays most customers may be happy with their new purchase (Wii or 360).

Realistically, this just means we all have to wait until March 2007 to see who will come out with the big numbers. Sony hasn't lost the battle yet - they just have a great deal of catch-up to do.

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