Nintendo stock on the rise!

The record is just about USD $26/share which is the best Nintendo has done in six years.

Investment bank, Merrill Lynch, raised its target share price from $25 to $29 because of high anticipation for the Wii. Apparently this yet unproven technology has already caught on and everyone awaits it with eager hands.

No presssure Nintendo.

It is understood that the Wii is going to live or die by its new controller technology. That "WiiMote" is offering a new way to game and the masses agree: awesome.

The concept is awesome and the idea is solid. However, the product has not been put into an average consumer's hands just yet. E3 was a small example of what customers will be doing with the new controller and until everyone gets the box home and plugs it in - its all just figures and predictions.

If Nintendo pulls off a perfect production with flaweless design, stable software and unbreakable hardware an investment into Nintendo's stock isn't a bad idea. However, the opposite can mean a plummet for Nintendo stock prices in the near future.

As a side note, Sony's stock price took a sharp turn downwards in May. Will the amount of PS3 news that arrived today bring the stock down further?

Thanks to TANK for the information

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