Playstation Store Launch Plans

Sony has been releasing details about their online plans bit by bit (probably as they figure stuff out). So we know about the Master profile and the child profiles, the family settings, the wallet system, the friends list and messaging and we know about the Playstation Store but not exactly what will be in it. Well Sony today released some details about what will be in the Playstation Store on launch day and through 2006.

Mainicho Issho is a game based on Toro and friends and is more a Sony Marketing 'game' than anything. Each day this game will be updated with information. It could be latest PS3 news, system announcements, game news etc. Sony will expand the game adding new modes to this game probably dividing it up into what essentially will be category based content news. Mainicho Issho will be a free full version download from the Playstation Store on launch.

Blast Factor is a game developed by Bluepoint Games as an arcade action title. It will have full 1080p support and take full advantage of the PS3's processing power. The game will have adaptive difficulty and full use of SIXAXIS tilt and yaw features and have a global leader board. Blast Factor will have an online demo available on launch for free and the full version will cost your some unannounced amount of money listed in real dollars.

flOw was developed at the Master of Fine Arts school as a thesis and then picked up by Sony to publish. This game is about navigating your organism through a biosphere eating cells and organisms as you evolve. flOw features adaptive difficulty, 1080p support and full SIXAXIS support. This is a launch window title with a free demo planned.

Kazudo is a numbers puzzle game very similar to the game released for PSP. This version will have the same first 1000 puzzles that the PSP version has just with flashier eye candy. Then there is planned expansion packs to keep on playing (cough Luminies cough) which will of course cost your money. The planned expansion packs right now are one for easy, medium and hard difficulties as well as multiplayer. There will be a free demo as well as the full version which will cost you money. This is a launch window title.

Puzzle is your standard Tetris inspired exploding block game. You will have both timed puzzle and timed attack play options. Sony is still working on this title so the name and the features are still subject to change. Again expect a free demo and the full version to cost some money. This is also a launch window title.

Lemmings is what you would expect it to be. Lemmings will be available by the end of 2006. Now this is a game I wish I had on Xbox Live Arcade.

Sony also plans on having Playstation One games available at some point in November for download. Pricing hasn't been announced yet but I imagine they're not going to be free. Catalog titles are from Capcom, Konami, Bandai Namco and Sony Computer Entertainment. Some of the titles announced so far are : Silent Bomber, Tekken 2, Mister Driller, Resident Evil, Konami Antiques Vol 1 and 2, Bishi Bashi, Jumping Flash, Arc the Lad and Minna Golf 2. Initially these games will work only on the PSP but should be playable on the PS3 at a later date and Sony plans on releasing 10 titles a month.

The Playstation Store will also be full of other media like game trailers, game demos and game add-ons to name a few. For launch Sony has announced that the Ridge Racer 7 demo will be available for gamers to download and try out.

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