PS3 Finds No Christmas Rush

A few folks waited hours in the cold for a PS3 find eBay sales low and return them to the store?

Yeah, some patient PS3 scalpers stood in line for hours to get a PlayStation 3 on the day of release. A few figured they would hold out until Christmas to get a quick eBay sale by a desperate parent. The first few days of eBay sales were insane but the hype died fast.

After a weak launch, bad press and a Time Magazine article stating the PS3 was one of the top overhyped product the bottom fell out of the reselling market. This left some holders of the hot Sony product watching $2,000 eBay sales on the first day and almost zero profit on eBay sales the week before Christmas.

Once you consider the eBay fees, PayPal fees and other misc. listing fees you can easily end up losing money on your purchase. Some PlayStation 3 sales fired off for less than USD $620 on a system that retails for USD $599.99.

The result? Returning the Sony console to the store rather then risk a loss on eBay. Imagine, holding in your hands a system worth well over USD $2,000 to return it to the store less than a month later for $0.00 profit. Oh well, people lose money on Wall Street faster, these PS3 scalpers should feel lucky they're walking away without debt.

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