PS3 Sold Out In Japan - Surprised?

Hardcore gamers walk away with PlayStation 3's after waiting in line for hours. Casual gamers show up hours later to see "Sold Out" signs.

To the hardcore gamers, like us, it is not a big surprise that the PlayStation 3 would only be sold to the dedicated. Those that are willing to sit out on a rainy cold November night for a PS3 to drop in their greedy hands.

Of course, a hardcore gamer is really being defined as those that want a PS3 so bad it hurts -or- those that want to pin it on eBay by noon the next day.

For us New Englanders, this might be what we're in for. Forecast says we're going to have a large cloud of rain (hell?) pouring down on us all week.

Amazingly, a day later in the US there will be many out-of-touch parents heading to the store to pickup a PS3 their kids have been screaming for to find a dusty empty shelf. No luck for the PlayStation Casual Gamer this holiday.

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