Of course, it depends on who you ask about this launch. A few UK blogs are talking about how great the pre-order sales have been. They're telling people its the fastest pre-order in history and beats the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360.
There are other blogs that call the next-generation (for them) product an "eye sore" with "fiddly buttons." They do talk about the stunning graphics but do not really admit to wanting to buy one.
In other areas of the world, like Greece and Ireland, the product is being sold above typical MSRP by retailers (including Sony).
"Online stores in Greece, including the official Sony Centre, are listing the 60GB console package at EUR 659 (US $863)."Ireland has a slight increase over MSRP rolling out at EUR 629, a price difference that almost matches the cost of a Nintendo Wii game.
Looking at some North American sales figures, we've seen that Sony lost the race for most units sold in January. The PlayStation 2 sold more units than the PlayStation 3 product, not really a fact Sony is going to be boasting.
Those Europeans looking over the pond at our sales figures must wonder "is it worth spending more than other countries for a product that isn't selling as much as the hype stated it would?
Any predictions on its European launch? Perhaps it will surprise us and beat out North American and Japan sales numbers!