Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting on XBLA

Yes, I can confirm it - I got my butt handed to me by Ryu. Difficulty level of '3 stars' is harder then I remember.

"SF2: HF" is how it is spelled in XBox Live Markeplace I believe. The download took roughly 30 seconds on my crappy cable modem. I only downloaded the trial release and played for roughly 3 minutes. Why? Well, I'm old, and I have a job.

The game is just as you may remember it back on the SNES (or whatever console it was at the time). Its not as cool or updated as some of the later Street Fighter releases, but it has one big factor: retro nostalgia.

I played Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting for the first time ever - on a wide screen HDTV. It was...uh...the same as it ever was. As expected. Don't expect a face-lift or new high quality sound. It is as it should be: untouched by time.

Well, this isn't to say Capcom just pushed this game out - they spent a great deal of time preparing it for the Xbox 360, and Xbox live. However, you wouldn't know it from the look and feel which is exactly how it should be. They did a great job given the fact that the goal was to make it JUST like the original. I didn't get a chance to try any networking given my 3 minute demo of it before work but the option was there. I also saw a menu for 360 achievements but because I didn't own the full copy I didn't have access to them.

The only noticable change from the original console port is that the game isn't full screen. The resolution is dated, and thus you have an "almost full screen" game with a simple animated background. Not too shabby.

And just like the original, I get my ass handed to me at every stop. I had to tone down the difficulty to extreme n00b (read: 0 stars). I then was able to defeat Ryu in a showdown of destruction.

The moves are easier on the hands due to the analog stick. Much better then the D-PAD for moves that require "half circle" cuts on the stick.

My suggestion, download the trial before you buy. Remember what it was like because you will spend an awful lot of time throwing your controllers.

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