Thrustmaster Wheel for the Wii

Apparently we'll be getting a wheel accessory for the Nintendo Wii with the GT Pro Series game.

IGN talked with Tats Myoio about Ubisoft's in-development game GT Pro Series. The game will include 80-licensed cel-shaded (cartoon style) cars and will be bundled with the Wii wheel designed by Thrustmaster.

This timing is great, as a few of us were talking (in a prior news post) about accessories for the Wii and games requiring accessories to play. One comment was about having to include these accessories in the games in order to "sell" the game to a customer. Customers are not going to buy a specialized device that may only work with a small series of games (we learned that from prior Nintendo accessories.) But, included in the bundle...?

I'm fairly certain that a bundled game that comes with an accessory like a steering wheel will cost more than an average game. Price-point will be important in this case but I believe Ubisoft can pull it off.

The wheel has a nice shape in the middle that looks to outline a "WiiMote" controller. So, given the designed images IGN posted up - I'd say you'll be using your Wiimote as an floating steering wheel.

Cool. I think. Consider how long you'll be holding that wheel up in the air while racing. If Thrustmaster makes it too heavy, gamers will be tired within minutes (regardless of strenght). If the wheel is too light, the device it might be susceptible to breaking or feel cheap.

The idea is pretty neat, now we have to wait and see if the concept is sound. Second to that - will other games utilize this design or do we have yet another "light gun" on our hands?

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