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In a Pre-E3 Chat with Peter Moore it was announced that Microsoft will attempt to feature news and videos from the show room floor via Xbox Live.

Via Peter Moore @

"It is our goal to bring E3 home to Xbox Live members as best we can, all the videos and the news as quickly as possible," Moore said. "We will give you the flavor of what's going on, on the show floor and some of the stuff that we are showing and debuting here."

Oddly enough 2old2play just reported that Xbox Live will be going down for maintenance tomorrow May 2nd. While rumors believe this is due to the new features announced at E3, this could also be to prepare for the massive amount of net work traffic and bandwidth that Microsoft will need in order to serve continues video downloads to its members. This will surely be a real test for Microsoft's distribution network.

In case those videos are not enough, 2old2play will be there with camera in hand ready to report all the latest news and announcements. Watch the home page for videos, podcast, and pictures.

Check out Moore's full chat here

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