Wii Spawn Campers

December 25th is coming fast and many gamers are Wiiless for the holidays, will it ever end?

A quick trip to Target this Sunday morning at 7:30 A.M turned into disappiontment as we found a long line of people camping for what could have been Rolling Stones tickets... but no, it's the Wii. Campers began lining up Saturday night at 7:00 P.M and sat in lawn chairs through another frosty night to get their hands on a Nintendo Wii.

When will the madness end? The Wii prices are rising on eBay as last minute shoppers come to the realization "I won't have a Wii for the Christmas tree this year." They're running out to hit the stores early (very early) so that their children have bright smiles when they open their presents this year.

We understand Christmas is a religious holiday celebrating the traditional birthdate of Jesus of Nazareth but the craze of this holiday sends so many into a buying frenzy. These people will "do anything" for their children - including spending way too much money for a Nintendo Wii.

The console for the casual gamer has many hardcore gamers up in arms as they continue to come up empty handed without Nintendo's new console. Casual gamers are everywhere and non-gamers are buying up these systems faster than a hardcore gamer mashes the controller in Dead or Alive. While newbies get brand new Wii's for the holidays many of us get to sit and watch more Nintendo Ad's on TV.

2old2play checked out GameStop in a local NH mall and discovered they had "no idea" when the next shipment would arrive. An older lady (customer) standing by the counter said "well, you know you can put an IOU under the tree and let your kids know you'll buy them one." We said, "Um, well, it's for me." Her response was simple, "oh, you can wait" with a slight scorn on her face as if we were "too old" to buy a gaming system. Should we feel guilty for taking a system that could have been given to a child for Christmas Day? Well, if so, we don't. Older gamers are gamers too dammit!

Perhaps Nintendo is playing a joke on us... perhaps all the Wii consoles sit on the Island of Misfit Toys...waiting for the love of a child.

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