WMP 11 Now Streams Media to 360

The new release of Window Media Player 11 Beta 2 will now allow Xbox 360 users to stream media to the Xbox 360 without the need for a Media Center Edition OS.

In the past, users had to either buy a Media Center Edition PC or install the OEM software on their home PC in order to get the full advantage of steaming content to their Xbox 360. Without the OS, regular XP owners were only able to stream songs with a small windows connect program.

From The Site

"The functionality of Windows Media Connect is now integrated into Windows Media Player 11 Beta 2 for Windows XP as the new Media Sharing feature, which lets you enjoy the contents of your Windows Media Player library from anywhere in your home. If you have a home network (wired or wireless), you can use Windows Media Player 11 to stream the contents of your library to networked devices such as Xbox 360 or other digital media receivers."

Unlike Windows Media Connect for Windows XP, Media Player Beta 2 will allow all features of the Media Center Edition PC for standard XP uses. As stated on the Digital Media at Home page, this means Photos, Movies, and Music. Many thought that Microsoft would wait to implement these features exclusively for the Vista operating system as a means to attract more Vista buyers. Maybe MS is actually looking at impressing the customers they already have. Either way, we think this is a good thing.

To download your copy of Windows Media Player 11 (Beta 2) simply head on over to THIS LINK and grab a copy free. As always, you need to remember this is a beta and bugs will almost certainly arise.

Update: It seems we have to wait for a dashboard update for the 360 before we can access streaming video. One of our members, Darksage, filled us in on the info. Thanks Darksage.

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