X06 Key Note Summary

Here is it the 2old2play overview of everything covered during the X06 Key Note speech. A lot of shocking news.

X06 Keynote Summary

So far there have been 1.3 million Xbox360's sold in Europe at the end of June. Microsoft estimates 10 million by the end of this holiday season. The Xbox360 is the first console to ever be offered in India and by the holidays will also be available in South Africa, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. By the end of the year, the Xbox360 will be available in 32 countries around the world with it’s first year of existence.

The Xbox had a mere 10% of it’s user base connected to Live, the Xbox360 however is boasting a 60% connected rate. A huge part of that success is the Xbox Live Marketplace which now has 1500 pieces of content and 80% of Live connected owners downloading. To date there have been more than 57 million Xbox Live Marketplace downloads and 10 million Xbox Live Arcade downloads. Microsoft is estimating more than 6 million Live users by mid 2007.

Peter Jackson joined Peter Moore on stage to talk about his new company, Wingnut Interactive. Peter Moore has a new vision for story telling, a type of blend between a plot heavy novel, the drama and visuals of a big screen movie and the interactivity of games. Although he’s still in the brain storming stages of this new venture, his first project in this new genre will be based on the Halo universe.

Games For Windows brand is being given a new push. Microsoft has signed a number of top shelf game titles as exclusives for Xbox360 and Games for Windows. Windows Vista to launch in 2007 is being built from the ground up to be a gaming platform. Live Anywhere’s single friends list and gamer tag will become cross platform between your Xbox360 and Windows Vista computer. Shadowrun will be the first cross platform exclusive title letting Windows Vista gamers and Xbox360 gamers play the same game on the same service with and against each other.

Peter Moore announced the HD-DVD drive for the Xbox360. It will be available mid November 2006 for a price of $199.99 US. It will be bundled with a universal remote (it looks like the same one that was in the launch Premium systems) and for a limited time, King Kong HD. HD-DVD currently has more than twice the number of BluRay titles on the market with there being 150 by year end.

To finish off the summary, this is a list of the games that were announced, many of them exclusives to Xbox360 and Games for Windows.

Kane and Lynch will be Xbox360 and Games for Windows exclusive

Banjo Kazui coming back to Xbox360

Crossfire also exclusive Xbox360 and Games for Windows

Project Gotham Racing 4 officially announced with a trailer

Halo 3 Bungie has promised to have announcements by the end of the year

Grand Theft Auto 4 coming Oct 2007 plus 2 expansions will be released within months of the game’s retail release. The expansions will be Xbox360 exclusive.

Assassins Creed officially announced and demoed live. Hundreds of people on crowded streets that will react to you. Also you are given full freedom to use whatever in the game. The entire game is interactive, there is no level design path. You can freely use whatever to get job done. Realistic fighting system.

Lost Odyssey announced for Europe and North America

Lost Planet Xbox360 exclusive

Resident Evil 5 confirmed for Xbox360

BIOSHOCK announced as Xbox360 and Games for Windows exclusive

Splinter Cell : Double Agent Xbox360 and Games for Windows exclusive

Viva Piñata #1 Saturday Morning cartoon show right now in the US. Viva Piñata the game to help bring younger gamers and families to Xbox360 and online.

Blue Dragon will come to North America in 2007, TGS gamers stood in line for 2 1/2 hours to demo it.

Marvel Universe Online MMO announced, Xbox360 and Games for Windows

Halo Wars officially announced, a new RTS game based on the Halo universe

Xbox Live Arcade titles announced:

Sensible Soccer a 1994 Amiga soccer game and will have online support

Doom officially announced for XBLA up for download TONIGHT

Lots of cool stuff shown in the Keynote so watch the Marketplace over the coming days, there should be a lot of excellent trailers and demos coming.

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