When we say "big game" we mean it exceeds the imposed 50MB download limit that Microsoft has implemented. The limit isn't a hardware or software restriction, it's a rule put forth by Microsoft. However, rules are meant to be broken. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is ready to step up and do the honor of breaking rules.
Greg Canessa, Microsoft XBLA group manager, said:
"By keeping the file size small for Xbox Live Arcade games, gamers can put one or more games on a memory unit and easily bring those games to a friend's house to share and play," Canessa said. "Small file sizes also mean fast download times, making it possible to download and begin playing any Xbox Live Arcade game within one or two minutes."
This doesn't mean they've lifted the 50MB limit, it means games that exceed this will have to fight harder to get on XBLA. We believe they'll pretty much have to already have a proven track record and be demanded by consumers regardless to size restriction. Basically, they've got to be old game ports that gamers loved.
source: gamespot.com