Bejeweled: What your wife really wants for Mother's Day

Dads are you worried about what to get your wife for Mother’s day, that your kids won’t even remember to get her anything, or do you just want to get your wife into gaming?

Well PopCap Games has the solution for all your worries and it doesn’t cost a thing. In a recent press release the leading distributor for casual games announced they had a present for Mother’s around the world.

“PopCap Games, the leading developer and publisher of casual games, today announced that will give all subscribers to its free monthly e-newsletter one copy of Bejeweled Deluxe, the biggest-selling casual game of the past six years, at no cost.”

All you need to do for this free gift is sign up for PopCap’s monthly newsletter “The Fizz” at beginning tomorrow and running through May23, 2007. Anyone who signs up or was previously signed up for the newsletter will be eligible.

Once signed up you’ll get a link and registration code via email which will entitle you to one free copy of the retail version of Bejeweled Deluxe. This offer won’t sit in your inbox forever so don’t sign up and forget about it, because after May 30, 2007 the offer will expire.

Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer Jason Kapalka stated in the press release the reason for the offer of generosity.

"Moms, grandmothers, and women in general have supported PopCap in many significant ways since we founded the company in 2000,"

Kapalka also stated that since women have been such a force behind his company’s success that they felt the need to do something to show how much their support was appreciated.

"We wanted to repay that generosity in some fashion, and giving away free copies of the game that launched our success seemed like a fun way to do that."

This announcement doesn’t come as a surprise as PopCap has always used mothers as a measuring stick to judge whether or not a game would be successful (“more than 2/3 of the companies Beta Test Group is comprised of adult female consumers”). In fact in the early days before the company was a household name the founders would use their own mothers for this task.

"We would set our moms down in front of PCs with early-stage versions of games such as Bejeweled, and just leave them therefor awhile," recalled John Vechey, another of PopCap's co-founders. "If they were still playing when we returned, we knew we were headed in the right direction with a game that could appeal to a very wide audience."

Mothers just like this one, “Michele Lewis a busy mother of four who home-schools all of her children, age 9 to 13,” will surely be excited about this wonderful gift.

"A free copy of Bejeweled for Mother's Day sounds wonderful to me," said Michele. “From Bookworm to Zuma, I love playing the PopCap games - either with my children or by myself when I find those precious few minutes of 'me time'!"

Now that you don’t have to worry about a gift all you need is to come up with a creative way to wrap it and present it to your wife, or you can leave that up to the kids. Who am I kidding they’ll probably put it in a box and wrap it in tin foil, so you probably better help them out as well.

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