Halo 2 and Shadowrun (Un)Officially Coming to XP

Upgrading to Windows Vista has been a broad leap for the few PC gamers out there who have made the jump. Unlike previous Microsoft software releases the feature set of their latest OS just isn't that compelling.

Sure, you get to play all the latest Games for Windows Live titles, but there's so few of them. Add on to that the still shaky hardware performance and the Halo 2 Vista servers are looking pretty empty.

Clouds look to be clearing up though for those still hesitant to upgrade just to play Halo 2 or Shadowrun. Falling Leaf Systems, a company working to get rid of the barriers constraining many PC gamers have with playing Games for Windows titles, has announced that they will be working independently to get Shadowrun and Halo 2 to run on XP machines.

Microsoft has, in typical Microsoft fashion, decided to launch their forced migration onslaught in full force with the release of two games that will only run on Windows Vista. First they claim that it was impossible to implement DirectX 10 compatibility atop Windows XP, and now they also want us to believe that they couldn’t successfully launch two DirectX 9 based titles on XP either. We plan to expose both theories as patently false.
Those looking to get in on the action can head over to Falling Leaf System's website to buy a copy of Shadowrun or Halo 2 for which they will issue out a free compatibility software package that'll get users up and running on their six-year-old systems by an estimated release date of July.

(PRLeap, via Halo.Bungie.org)

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