Having Trouble With Halo 2 Maps?

Many Xbox 360 users are reporting some problems when trying to purchase and download the pack, getting an error message leaving them empty handed.

Today, Bungie's making a rallied attempt to get Xbox gamers playing Halo 2 again, and possibly regaining the crown of the number one Xbox Live game (since Gears of War's launch it's been #1) with the release of the latest Blastacular map pack.

If you're having some problems getting them through your Xbox Live Gold account, a user on NeoGAF has come up with an apparent workaround:
Go to the download area within Halo 2 and log in to your Gold account and attempt to download the maps. You will get the Premium Content error, press the A button and then the B button to get the Gamertag list back up and proceed to log in with your spare Silver account. Attempt to download the maps where it should start and then stop with a message saying you will not be charged, then log back into your Gold account and try once again to download the maps and it should work.
While this is just a temporary workaround until Bungie gets around to fixing the issue, it may help a few of you out there having some problems. I, myself encountered a similar error, but my issue was resolved simply by signing out, then back in. After that, everything proceeded as originally intended.

(Via 1UP and TeamXbox)

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