Huxley Beta Announced

Huxley, the ground breaking Sci-Fi FPS MMO game is back in the news after going dark for over a year. It seems that they’re about ready to roll out a very small public Beta program for Windows gamers. The beta will be open to 999 lucky gamers who will have only five days starting September 13th to check this game out.

Huxley will take traditional FPS action, combine it with quests and character progressions like you would find in an RPG and tie it all together in a persistent MMO futuristic battle. Huxley is about a futuristic earth split between The Sapiens and the Alternatives and they will do battle in real-time first person wars.

Huxley features different classes of characters which include the Enforcer which is a heavily armored character, Avenger who is medium armored and Phantom who is a lightly armored scout class character. Your class will determine the weapons and armor you can use in the game. There are nine different weapons classes to choose from including traditional rifles, sniper rifles and rocket launches as well as more sci-fi weapons like the ballistic finger rifle.

This game generates a lot of buzz when it’s seen out in the wild. Some had thought it had become vaporware though because of the lack of news coming out but we’re happy to see the beta announcement. Huxley appears to be alive and well, still no word on the Xbox 360 version status though.

Checkout press release (site is running very slow right now)

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