Lionhead announces Fable 2 XBLA Tie-in Game

Lionhead announced the first Xbox Live Arcade Game that will tie into a retail release.

In Fable 2, money will play a key role in your characters development. You will need to earn it by doing jobs around the world or obtaining riches in traditional RPG fashion by finding it on your victims and exploring.

Lionhead will be giving us a new way to become "rich" via an XBLA game release that combines elements of Crappes and Roulette. The money you earn playing this XBLA game will be transferred to your Fable 2 character for use in-world.

This new gambling game will release a few weeks prior to the Fable 2 release date. This will give gamers the opportunity to amass a good sum of money before they even start playing Fable 2.

Nothing was said about the cost of the XBLA game, but we’re hoping for free even though it's highly unlikely. Could this open a new trend in gaming? How about if this little gambling game were playable on a Zune so you could take it with you and work on making money during the day and then upload your winnings when you get home to buy new stuff in-game for your character. This could be a whole new way of playing games similar to what was hinted at in the Live Anywhere initiative announced two years ago at E3.

Just imagine if something like this would built for World of Warcraft. Im pretty sure the world economy would cease to function, kids would no longer go to school, and no one would ever leave the house again.

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