Happy Valentine’s week everybody! I know that you romantic, smooth talking devils are taking your significant other out for a night of romance and heartburn before you trudge through three feet of snow to catch A Good Day to Die Hard at the old Cinema Cineplex, just across from the Singer Sewing Company. This is the perfect week for an unimportant and useless holiday, because only one title drops this week, but it’s a doozie! Get ready for assault rifles, acid blood, and Xenomorph hunting.
Aliens: Colonial Marines
I know that every single game based on the Aliens film franchise sucked major ass. In fact, only the first two movies were any good, after that Ripley shaved her head, died, and was cloned...I call BS! Randy Pitchford and his merry band of Alien lovers at Gearbox promised us a true Aliens experience and, if the trailers are any indication of their sincerity, we are in for a real treat. Set as a sequel to the second movie, directed by James Cameron, Aliens: Colonial Marines features authentic space marine gear like the pulse rifle, the motion tracker and Ripley’s flamethrower. Some of the in-movie sets were recreated to give players that claustrophobic Aliens feel. I watched the trailers with headphones on and it even sounds like an Aliens movie.
Game modes include a single player campaign, 4-player drop in/out co-op, a 6 vs 6 player deathmatch, a 4 marines vs 4 Xenomorphs Escape mode, a gauntlet mode, and several objective-based multiplayer modes. Sealing doors, utilization of motion trackers, turret placement, face-huggers, and use of the loader from the Aliens climax are all part of the game....and I saw a Xenomorph Queen in one of the trailers! The LCE includes characters from the game, like Hudson and Hicks...but no Ripley. If Gearbox pulls this off, we could have an early GOTY contender on our hands. Aliens: Colonial Marines hits shelves on February 12, for PC, PS3, and XBox 360.