March has been pretty good to gamers so far: Pax East just wrapped up, Tomb Raider finally released, EA dropped SimCity with an auspicious (that was sarcasm) start, Sony players got a new God of War game, and Nintendo took a giant Wii U dump releasing several new titles. March isn’t over yet, and this last week is going to be a doozie. Multiplatform goodness abounds as we visit a city in the clouds and two guys take on the Devil’s Cartel...don’t you just love spring?
Bioshock Infinite
Meet Booker, an ex-Pinkerton man who got himself into a spot of trouble and must now perform a high-altitude extraction to get himself out of a bind. If I learned anything from my two previous trips to Rapture, it’s this: there is no such thing as a quick in and out, no innuendo intended. Expect a large dose of awesome and awesomer in the floating city of Columbia, just don’t expect things to go smoothly. Tear it all down starting March 26th on PS3, XBox 360, and PC.
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel
Visceral Montreal’s swan song brings us 3rd person co-op commando nirvana. The sequel to Army of Two focuses on two tattooed bros with guns, Alpha and Bravo, trying to straighten out a drug war on the streets of Mexico. Visceral dropped competitive multiplayer to focus on a purely co-op experience, so grab a buddy and head for the border, amigo. Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel hits shelves March 26th for the PS3 and XBox 360.