For the first time in around seven years it didn’t snow this weekend! There is a long curse that plagues the May long weekend in Southern Alberta. The weekend before and after are typically gorgeous but May long is cold, rainy and eventually we end up with snow. I actually look forward to that as I can stay inside and play some games. Mother Nature obviously had other plans as the sun was shining two out of the last three days. Stupid Mother Nature always ruining my gaming plans....grrrr!
I shouldn’t be bitter towards nice weather. Especially since this week sees the end of the new release drought we recently experienced. That being said, this post also marks the end of my run as your weekly new release scribe (stop cheering!). Over the next few weeks you’ll see this space taken over by the new recruits added to the 2old2play writing staff. Be gentle with them!
Resident Evil: Revelations (PC PS3 XBOX WiiU)
Propagating the game industry’s love of the colon, Resident Evil: Revelations drops on May 21st. I expected this to hit the PS3 and the XBOX but my jaw almost fell off (zombie joke - get it?) when I saw that RE:Revelations was released for the WiiU and PC AND on the same release day! What’s up with that!?!? Whatever your platform is Resident Evil: Revelations aims to fill that underground laboratory mutant zombie slaying hole you have in your life.
Fast & Furious: Showdown (PC PS3 XBOX WiiU)
More colon but a lot less bromance is likely the best way to describe Fast & Furious: Showdown. I don’t have high hopes for this game given the lack of the movies two main characters played by Paul Walker and, Mrs. Soup’s fav, Vin Diesel (still can’t figure that one out as the dude reminds me of something the cat chucked up) as well as the “quality” of the graphics seen in the screenshot (see below). Topping it off, the Activision website doesn’t feature any gameplay video. If you can’t get enough of the tuner car scene then Fast & Furious: Showdown drifts into stores May 21st. Word of advice - it will likely be sale priced May 22nd.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (PC PS3 XBOX)
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (yes, more colon!) is a continuation of the Call of Juarez franchise set in the wild west era of the American frontier. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger drops on May 22nd.
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (WiiU)
Even Superheroes aren’t immune to the pure evil of “The Colon!” After releasing a year or so ago for every other platform, Traveller’s Tales decided to release Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes for WiiU (now in HD!). Maybe they felt bad about the dearth of games released for the lonely WiiU or maybe they saw an opportunity there...who knows? Either way the HD-ized and WiiU-ized Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes emerges from the Fortress of Solitude May 21st.
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)
The ape that defined a generation of evil bosses starts a new trend by not falling victim to the colon. Did I drag that joke out too far? Only funny the first time? Never funny? Too bad! This is my last hurrah - Suck it! I didn’t really mean that, I’m sorry. I’m just emotional as I write these last words...sigh. Man up Chunky! Alright, so somewhere around the arcade release of Donkey Kong Jr. (1982), the original Donkey Kong transformed from the ultimate evil boss to a lovable ape in a tie that was just misunderstood. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is a ground up 3D 3DS remake of the original Donkey Kong Country. While DKCR3D supports multiplayer, it’s one of those games that requires each player to have their own copy instead of the House o’Soup favorite-download play.
The good ape persona continues in Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D on May 24th in retail and the Nintendo eShop.
So that’s it. Thanks to the one or two of you (that weren’t editors) who actually read my ramblings on a weekly basis. While I’m sure I’ll be back at some point in time, I must go before my...uh...”allergies” act up again.