So I apologize. I am a little late this week but after Free Comic Book Day, Star Wars Day and the first nice weekend in seven months that allowed me to clean up the yard, I was beat. I know, you want results not excuses so lets start this weeks new releases off!
I am told some European countries mandate specific holiday times where, for all intents and purposes, the country shuts down. That type of policy seems to have hit the gaming industry this week as there is just a wee bit more than nothing releasing. I, for one, am alright with this as it gives me some time to finish Bioshock Infinite and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. It also gives my wallet a much needed break. Mrs. Soup is working the early shift this week so that means I get to stay up a little later and get some gaming in!
I usually start off with multiplatform releases but this week there isn’t any so I thought I would give some love to the PC gaming crowd first.
Pinball FX2
The best video pinball game around hits the PC this week. Pinball FX2 launches May 10th on Steam as a free download. Free?!?!! So what’s the catch? While the game itself is free you have to pony up a couple bucks each for the tables or more for a collection of tables. So what tables can you play upon launch? There is an assortment of licensed tables and Zen Studios originals. I suggest you try a little of both as the original tables in Pinball FX2 are just as good, if not sometimes better, than the licensed ones. I have Pinball FX2 for my XBOX but given the list below includes some of my favorites I may pony up the money on Steam as well (I was also thinking of getting a couple on my PS3 just for the 3D effects).
Star Wars Pinball
Marvel Pinball
Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue
Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles
Pinball FX2 Core Collection
Zen Classics
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
Rejoice all you Fatal Frame fans who hung onto your PS2’s! You can finally get rid of that old warhorse (before June 1st when GameStop stops accepting them) as Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly drops on Tuesday from the PSN store as a PS2 Classic. Yeah, that’s downloadable game...cue tumbleweed...
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
Only one downloadable title from the big N. Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move drops on the eShop on Thursday. If you like the other games in this series, or if your kids do, then it may be worth your $10. You can always download the demo first to try it out.
The End
So that’s it. That’s all.......actually before I go I want to throw in a plug for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. I played it this weekend (very briefly) and if you are a fan of late 80’s action movies, fondly remember early 90’s computer games and love 2013 graphics and FPSs go get this game.