Welcome to the first week of autumn. It’s time to put away the tank tops and half shirts, time to trade in the sandals and flip-flops for something warmer, time to say goodbye to your bathing suit and time to get your game face on! I know that most of us are trying to find the words to express our disappointment for the new iPhone, but let’s not dwell on that because we have games to buy. This week features a dead rabbit, kung-fu pandas, grown men in shorts kicking a checkered ball, a scantily-clad fighting game, and an 80’s naval battle game reboot.
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - So you played out the main quests, toppled the Lich King, and survived the Cataclysm, what’s next in World of Warcraft? Kung-Fu pandas, that’s what! Blizzard is marooning players on Panda Bear Island, insuring that the age-old struggle of man vs orc becomes a three-way. This add-on should have great appeal in South Korea (who, by the way, has way better internet speed than you) but will likely just give the rest of us another reason to hate panda bears. Available for the PC starting September 25th.
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission - Have you ever been swept over by a wave of nostalgia for an old game that you played back in the day and asked yourself “Self, wouldn’t it be great to play a remake of that old classic favorite of mine today?” If that game was Carrier Command, then the Gods of Old School Remakes are smiling on you, friend. Carrier Command: Gaea Mission gives warmongering micromanagers a way to kill two birds with one stone! The game gives players complete control over battlefield and individual units in a quest to control the seas and defeat the enemy’s navy and carrier. Take control of the PC seas starting September 27th.
Multi Platform
FIFA 13 - The vultures at EA deliver their third sports game in as many weeks. This weeks target: American 3rd graders and the rest of the soccer-loving world. FIFA 13 promises better ball control during possession, improved dribbling, AI, and physical play. Engage yourself in a riveting battle for ball possession, create your own custom team, and do your very best to stay awake during the most advanced and lifelike soccer game ever made! This gem hits the Xbox 360 and PS3 on September 25th in the US, and 3 days later in the UK, on September 28th.
Dead or Alive 5 - Tecmo and Team Ninja deliver on the newest generation of Dead or Alive this week. Interactive and exotic environments that cater to a character’s strength are a nice, new touch added to this historically rock-solid fighting franchise. Team Ninja claims deeper immersion and bonding with fighters with little extras, such as trickling sweat, and plenty of ways to master the fighting techniques, power blows and special moves of their respective fighters. All that and super skimpy outfits make Dead or Alive 5 the most highly anticipated fighting game of the week. The beat downs start September 25th on Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles.
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit - Ash is everything a rabbit should be, a skeletal Prince of Hell with a fetish for his rubber ducky, a love for firearms and the desire to use them. Compromising pics of Ash and his rubber ducky surface, making Ash into the laughing stock of the underworld. In Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit it will be the players joyful duty to kill anyone on his road to revenge, either by vehicle or gun. Hell Yeah! is chock full of challenging side-scroller action, guns, jetpack and razorblade unicycles of death, poop demons (not a typo), and all the animated violence one would expect from the rubber ducky-raping Prince of Hell. Arkedo Studios and Sega bring this downloadable title to life, for about $15, on September 25th on PS3, September 26th on XBL, and October 2nd on PC. Give it hell, amigo.
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - After the release of the last great detective game, LA Noire, I bet a lot of folks are itching to play Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s super sleuth, Sherlock Holmes.The Testament of Sherlock Holmes is actually the sixth game in the series and gives players the opportunity to stomp around Victorian London to contaminate crime scenes, solve mysteries and save the day. Developer Frogwares dropped this one earlier than anticipated, with a considerable price drop ($39.99) compared to a AAA title. Frogwares also increased the budget for this game and it looks incredible, so let’s not jump to any conclusions. That would be poor form, dear Watson. This sleuthy adventure arrives on the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 September 25th.