If you're a Nintendo DS owner you may have noticed a slight lack of classic RPG games. This may change with the release of Orcs and Elves a port of a mobile RPG game coming out for the DS.
The game is on par with standard DS graphics with an old school RPG perspective. The design fits well into the dual screen nature of the Nintendo hand-held, having your inventory on the bottom screen (the "touch" screen) so you can best utilize your player while allowing the top screen to be filled with action.
The design isn't too unlike Chrystal Chronicles on the GameCube when combined with the Game Boy Advanced (GBA). However, in this title you can do it all without having to invest in two Nintendo products, an additional cable and the cost of the game, thanks to the dual screens.
On top of that, this is a John Carmack and Fountainhead Entertainment creation. The first intellectual property developed from iD Software since Quake.
November 16th is the release date, maybe we can get a review up for those that may be interested in hand-held role playing games.