Harmonix announced plans to release Rock Band 4 for PS4 and XBox One in 2015. The studio released a video showing they are just as enthusiastic as fans about getting to bring back the franchise to next gen consoles.
As if just releasing wasn’t enough good news, HMX said RB4 will support almost all previous downloadable content (2000+ songs) at no additional charge if you’ve already purchased them on PS3 or XBox. They are also working with Madcatz on instrument backwards compatibility but can’t yet confirm specific support.
One thing that may disappoint some is they are dropping support for keys and and Pro Guitar (drums will still have Pro mode). While I do own a keytar and Pro guitar I’m not all that upset since they mostly collect dust in my living as game controllers. They were worth the purchase though since my husband still uses them as actual midi instruments.
The announcement comes right before the big PAX East Expo on Harmonix’s home turf. The marquee was ready to rock when I stopped over there earlier to pick up my media credentials. At the convention they will be taking pre-orders for a custom Penny Arcade guitar. I’m sure at the booth they will also love for fans to come up and make requests to ensure the new game has ‘moar Muse!’
I personally am super psyched about getting my band back together and have already been practicing with the new Foo Fighters DLC they released for Rock Band 3 a few months ago. As an announcement gift to fans there is also a free track now available for RB3 on PS3 and XBox: I Still Believe by Frank Turner. Go dust off your plastic instruments and get practicing for your upcoming tour!