Video Marketplace Is A Huge Success

Xbox Video Marketplace has received a number of recognitions over the past week for it’s innovative approach to electronic distribution.

Much like Xbox Live Arcade, Microsoft struck oil when they released Video marketplace only four short months ago.

In that little amount of time, they have risen to be the number two online distributor of television and movie content over the Internet. It’s no surprise who number one is, it’s Apple and iTunes but there are some 50 other players in this market space, 49 of which Microsoft has surpassed.

Video Marketplace is however the number one distributor of television and movie content for the living room, the place hardest to get foothold in. Microsoft is also number one in an emerging video experience, high definition. They are actually at this time the only place you can download HD movies and television over the internet.

Though it launched with some bumps due to underestimated demand, Video Marketplace had enjoyed double digit growth every month since launch. Xbox Live downloads are up 400 percent since Video Marketplace went online.

South Park remains the top TV show download over the Video Marketplace, while HD movies can be found in the top five movie downloads. It’s clear that the people want HD content. If only they could get it to you faster……

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