Your Xbox One Questions Answered!

Microsoft revealed their latest creation, the Xbox One, and showcased the new machine in a live event on Tuesday, May 21st. Although the presenters demonstrated the new console along with its capabilities and applications that will be bestowed unto paying gamers later this year, the event, unfortunately, left many of us with more questions than answers.

When exactly will it release? Was that a shipwreck simulator or a game? Why does it look like a HAM radio from the 1970’s? Is Microsoft seriously going to charge $60 to play a rented or used game? Normally, gamers must wait until E3 before our questions are answered, but this is not a normal gaming site so we'll answer your questions before E3.

On Thursday, May 30th, Thick-n-Thin will feature a special guest who'll answer your questions regarding the new Microsoft console. Resident aged gamer, and Xbox One designer, Brian “Styles” Parks is the big-brained know-it-all who'll be here to answer your Xbox One questions. Keep in mind that Styles works on the console, not games, so keep your questions Microsoft and console related if you want answers. You can post your questions in the forum thread,, or leave a comment here, if you prefer.

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