Every Extend Extra Extreme (E4) should have been named "Extravagant Evil 4 Every Epileptic" The fast paced music, flashing lights, and various patterns are enough to put a non-epileptic person into a seizure.
Seriously though, this game is uniquely fun and very addicting.
A couple of weeks ago I get a PM from the Overlords. In it is a MS code and the instructions "DOWNLOAD THIS. PLAY THIS. SUBMIT REVIEW." Being the good robot I am, I obeyed.
So I downloaded the game and started it up. WTF? Seriously. I feel like I'm at a rave and I forgot the ecstasy.
Typically, I can just start a game and pick up how to play it without reading the instructions. Yeah, I know, typical male. This time, not so much.
My first game ended quite quickly, so I decided to read the directions.
The purpose of this game, is to blow yourself up. No, it's not a suicide bombers training simulator.
You start the game out with a "ship". You are able to move the ship around the screen, and at key moments, you blow yourself up when surrounded by enemies. This produces a chain reaction of all the enemies in the nearby vicinity.
Here's where it gets interesting. You can either let the explosions run their course, or you can continue to "mash" your "A" button to the beat of the music to keep the explosions going. The more explosions you cause, the more bonus pick-ups will be produced from those explosions.
Now, once the explosions end, your ship returns, and your ship has appx. 5 seconds of shield time, at which point you move the ship around to pick-up the bonuses. Bonuses range from extended shield time, to BonusXs, and Quickens which increase the rate that enemies appear on the screen. The more enemies, the more explosions, the more bonuses.
I work longer, so I can make more money, so I can buy cocaine.... so I can work longer, so I can make.... Sound familiar? The more I played, the more I was hooked.
Once I figured it out, it became easy to play, and I was soon playing for long stretches at a time. One of the achievements is to score over 15 trillion points. 15 TRILLION. I got to the point where I was playing the same game for over an hour and a half. I was around appx. 7.5 trillion when I figured it was taking me around 10 minutes to score 1 trillion pts. At that rate, it would take 2.5 hours to reach 15 trillion points. 2.5 hours for the same game session. I couldn't do it. My thumb couldn't keep the pace.
That's the one negative of this game I feel. It turns into a button mashing game as the music beat increases and you work to produce more explosions. But, it's a small negative.
In the end, E4 is a very addictive and enjoyable game. I may have to pop some ecstasy next time I play it though just to really experience it.
Fans of Boom, Boom, Rocket and Lumines Live! will enjoy this game a lot.
8 out of 10
A couple of weeks ago I get a PM from the Overlords. In it is a MS code and the instructions "DOWNLOAD THIS. PLAY THIS. SUBMIT REVIEW." Being the good robot I am, I obeyed.
So I downloaded the game and started it up. WTF? Seriously. I feel like I'm at a rave and I forgot the ecstasy.
Typically, I can just start a game and pick up how to play it without reading the instructions. Yeah, I know, typical male. This time, not so much.
My first game ended quite quickly, so I decided to read the directions.
The purpose of this game, is to blow yourself up. No, it's not a suicide bombers training simulator.
You start the game out with a "ship". You are able to move the ship around the screen, and at key moments, you blow yourself up when surrounded by enemies. This produces a chain reaction of all the enemies in the nearby vicinity.
Here's where it gets interesting. You can either let the explosions run their course, or you can continue to "mash" your "A" button to the beat of the music to keep the explosions going. The more explosions you cause, the more bonus pick-ups will be produced from those explosions.
Now, once the explosions end, your ship returns, and your ship has appx. 5 seconds of shield time, at which point you move the ship around to pick-up the bonuses. Bonuses range from extended shield time, to BonusXs, and Quickens which increase the rate that enemies appear on the screen. The more enemies, the more explosions, the more bonuses.
I work longer, so I can make more money, so I can buy cocaine.... so I can work longer, so I can make.... Sound familiar? The more I played, the more I was hooked.
Once I figured it out, it became easy to play, and I was soon playing for long stretches at a time. One of the achievements is to score over 15 trillion points. 15 TRILLION. I got to the point where I was playing the same game for over an hour and a half. I was around appx. 7.5 trillion when I figured it was taking me around 10 minutes to score 1 trillion pts. At that rate, it would take 2.5 hours to reach 15 trillion points. 2.5 hours for the same game session. I couldn't do it. My thumb couldn't keep the pace.
That's the one negative of this game I feel. It turns into a button mashing game as the music beat increases and you work to produce more explosions. But, it's a small negative.
In the end, E4 is a very addictive and enjoyable game. I may have to pop some ecstasy next time I play it though just to really experience it.
Fans of Boom, Boom, Rocket and Lumines Live! will enjoy this game a lot.
8 out of 10