Ok well last night after work I finally was able to sit down for more than 20 minutes and finish this amazing game.
To start, the graphics are top notch, not once did I get any slowdown or frame rate drops even in the most intense firefights and graphically heavy sections of the island, which to be honest is almost everywhere. The best part of this game is when you start becoming the predator. This was done so well. Literally running through the jungle at break neck speeds, flying over a fence and tearing 4 mercs apart is just wicked. I was laughing at this because its so fun. Running out of ammo isn't that big of a deal you can just slice and dice, grab that P90 and unload.
Vehicles played a major role in this game, just like the PC version. HumVees for driving around, patrol boats on rivers and ocean, ATV (FUN FUN FUN), Jet Ski (get going fast this is fun especially jumping off into a gun fight), Hovercraft (water, land, water, land, water, land.... ), Glider (liked this, but not as much as I thought I would, PC glider was better).
The vehicles control 100% differently from each other. Hovercraft floats and has a bit of a time taking corners fast, and does change controlling from water to land. Taking jumps and using the terrain for some fun vehicle runarounds on the mercs adds to this shooter.
Enemy AI is top notch, best AI in any xbox game. The demo had me worried because the AI was well, dumb, they would stand there and let you shoot them. But in this game, they use tactics, flank, covering fire, will throw grenades and use vehicles against yours to pin you against a wall, or stop you. There were 2 times that I remember where a single merc was moronic and didn't react. But was worth it.
Graphically this game is beautiful. And you do not see how nice it is until later in the game when the scenery changes for you. Of course they are not as good as the PC version, but on the Xbox with a huge draw distance and the same ability to go out where ever you see is amazing.
Animations are good, especially when you have scared mercs running away. Let them run out of ammo and they will duck and run to a mounted gun or just away from you.
Sound and Music was done very well, the ambient sounds rule, especially in the later missions where it is raining, and near the volcano. Music you notice, but it doesn't take away, and is nice. I hate music that doesn't go with the actual action/game. So this was nice.
From start to finish this game was a blast, I couldn't wait to see what was around the corner, or back over there up that road. The use of traps is amazing, setting up claymores in a doorway that you know a bunch of mutants or mercs will come through, tree whips in the jungle to take out guys... total blast.
I am now playing this game in more of a stealth role, using traps, silenced weapons, and its a new game from before when I shot, shot some more, shot them again, and shot the next thing. I also found many new paths, they are not obvious unless you find them by accident, like if you see a fenced in area, get over the fence, you might find a path, sewer, tunnel, etc leading around the next area. Or see where that vehicle just flew out of... another way...
The map editor is the best map editor that I have seen so far on a console. Which isn't many, but its very easy, and you can make some fun levels. With some insane features. Four small islands with hovercraft and sniper towers, with jungle in the way and ramps for ATVs to jump over. Great fun.
I said in another post about Farcry, for multiplayer to beat Halo2 it would have to be perfect, and I did not try it yet. but Four player split screen so far is better then Halo2.
In Halo2 the maps really control how you play, team vs team, free for all, maybe Ill be a sniper until timmy kills me... its great fun, and when I get the 360 Ill go back to Halo2 some, but I can say if Live Far Cry is just as fun as 4 player, Halo2 you have been pwned.
Predator Mutliplayer RULES, this is fun beyond belief, especially chasing on vehicles and getting throats ripped out. Or snipers shooting like crazy to kill the predator while a ground team defends the towers.
Team vs Team with a CTF (capture the sample) is great, with or with out vehicles.
Graphics - 10/10
Sound - 9/10
Music - 8/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Fun Factor - 10/10
Map Editor - 10/10
Four Player Multiplayer - 10/10
Overall - Must Buy - Must Own
So far this is my best FPS on Xbox and PC. It does so many things right, and doesn't screw with you with cheap features.
Everyone playing the 4 player with me agreed it beats Halo2 and two of them are H2 fanatics with 1 having a MC and Arbitor Tattoo. I was surprised they wanted to play it and not move to H2.
They must release a 2nd game on the xbox360.
I am also glad Crytech was busy with Microsoft on DX10 and other projects because UBI Soft Montreal created the best game.
To start, the graphics are top notch, not once did I get any slowdown or frame rate drops even in the most intense firefights and graphically heavy sections of the island, which to be honest is almost everywhere. The best part of this game is when you start becoming the predator. This was done so well. Literally running through the jungle at break neck speeds, flying over a fence and tearing 4 mercs apart is just wicked. I was laughing at this because its so fun. Running out of ammo isn't that big of a deal you can just slice and dice, grab that P90 and unload.
Vehicles played a major role in this game, just like the PC version. HumVees for driving around, patrol boats on rivers and ocean, ATV (FUN FUN FUN), Jet Ski (get going fast this is fun especially jumping off into a gun fight), Hovercraft (water, land, water, land, water, land.... ), Glider (liked this, but not as much as I thought I would, PC glider was better).
The vehicles control 100% differently from each other. Hovercraft floats and has a bit of a time taking corners fast, and does change controlling from water to land. Taking jumps and using the terrain for some fun vehicle runarounds on the mercs adds to this shooter.
Enemy AI is top notch, best AI in any xbox game. The demo had me worried because the AI was well, dumb, they would stand there and let you shoot them. But in this game, they use tactics, flank, covering fire, will throw grenades and use vehicles against yours to pin you against a wall, or stop you. There were 2 times that I remember where a single merc was moronic and didn't react. But was worth it.
Graphically this game is beautiful. And you do not see how nice it is until later in the game when the scenery changes for you. Of course they are not as good as the PC version, but on the Xbox with a huge draw distance and the same ability to go out where ever you see is amazing.
Animations are good, especially when you have scared mercs running away. Let them run out of ammo and they will duck and run to a mounted gun or just away from you.
Sound and Music was done very well, the ambient sounds rule, especially in the later missions where it is raining, and near the volcano. Music you notice, but it doesn't take away, and is nice. I hate music that doesn't go with the actual action/game. So this was nice.
From start to finish this game was a blast, I couldn't wait to see what was around the corner, or back over there up that road. The use of traps is amazing, setting up claymores in a doorway that you know a bunch of mutants or mercs will come through, tree whips in the jungle to take out guys... total blast.
I am now playing this game in more of a stealth role, using traps, silenced weapons, and its a new game from before when I shot, shot some more, shot them again, and shot the next thing. I also found many new paths, they are not obvious unless you find them by accident, like if you see a fenced in area, get over the fence, you might find a path, sewer, tunnel, etc leading around the next area. Or see where that vehicle just flew out of... another way...
The map editor is the best map editor that I have seen so far on a console. Which isn't many, but its very easy, and you can make some fun levels. With some insane features. Four small islands with hovercraft and sniper towers, with jungle in the way and ramps for ATVs to jump over. Great fun.
I said in another post about Farcry, for multiplayer to beat Halo2 it would have to be perfect, and I did not try it yet. but Four player split screen so far is better then Halo2.
In Halo2 the maps really control how you play, team vs team, free for all, maybe Ill be a sniper until timmy kills me... its great fun, and when I get the 360 Ill go back to Halo2 some, but I can say if Live Far Cry is just as fun as 4 player, Halo2 you have been pwned.
Predator Mutliplayer RULES, this is fun beyond belief, especially chasing on vehicles and getting throats ripped out. Or snipers shooting like crazy to kill the predator while a ground team defends the towers.
Team vs Team with a CTF (capture the sample) is great, with or with out vehicles.
Graphics - 10/10
Sound - 9/10
Music - 8/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Fun Factor - 10/10
Map Editor - 10/10
Four Player Multiplayer - 10/10
Overall - Must Buy - Must Own
So far this is my best FPS on Xbox and PC. It does so many things right, and doesn't screw with you with cheap features.
Everyone playing the 4 player with me agreed it beats Halo2 and two of them are H2 fanatics with 1 having a MC and Arbitor Tattoo. I was surprised they wanted to play it and not move to H2.
They must release a 2nd game on the xbox360.
I am also glad Crytech was busy with Microsoft on DX10 and other projects because UBI Soft Montreal created the best game.