Two Thousand and Seventeen is over and done! I don't know where the year went and as I get older it seems the years get shorter. As the years get shorter I have less and less time to play games. I used to think I was all alone in this but as we polled the rest of the writing staff it seemed like pretty much everyone else was in the same boat. No-one thought there was a stand-out game in 2017 that we played. Given the picture above I am pretty sure you can guess what it came down to but lets run it down anyway.
I tossed Cuphead into the GOY ring even though the game just beats the ever loving shit out of me and I haven't come anywhere near beating it. I am stuck on island two. I just can't get the timing down. I die around 10 times, get frustrated and before my comtroller goes through my TV I quit. Loki seemed to feel the same way. A buddy of mine at work has been watching YouTube videos of each level and comes to work to let me know which level he has completed now. I thought about doing that but it feels too much like cheating. I haven't stooped down to that level yet but I just might. This game is beautiful in that 30's nostalgic kind of way and the music and sounds are perfectly matched. It was a strong contender.
Destiny 2
Destiny 2 is a good game and lord knows Loki, TitaniumNuts and I have played enough of it since September. The game started out strong but once the 5 hour story was complete it fell into the same grindy trappings of the original but with way less diversity. I could never get into the raids in the original nor nightfall and I was hoping the addition of the Clans would help. It didn't. The multiplayer seemed nerfed but for the first time I seemed to be successful in it. It was fun but the shine fell off quickly, at least for me. Destiny 2 held so much promise to be everything the original wasn't but it just seemed to fall short.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I didn't get to play this game as much as I wanted but that was because Mrs-Soup took the Switch and I didn't see it for months. All I heard was her yelling and cheering and I would peer over her shoulder and only wish I could play. ErinAS seemed to have a similar story but with her husband playing it. Everything about Breath of the Wild, from the visuals,to the gameplay and story are just so, so good. Breath of the Wild was not only one of the best launch titles in recent memory but was so good that even though none of us played it to fruition, we can call Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2017's Game of the year!