I hit up the convention halls of PAX East in Boston once again for 2old2play. Great time as always with lots of fun games. I'm working on some coverage of the keynote, games, and panels but first up the photo overview.
I headed over to PAX Thursday afternoon to pick up my media pass and meet up with some outta town friends. Registration was nice and easy.
First up was giving the out of towners the Fallout 4 tour of Boston since it was such nice weather for a change!
2016 vs 2287
Stop looking at me swan!
We were smart enough not to give the cultists all our $$
We thankfully headed over to PAX early on Friday and avoided this line which which went for blocks around 10AM. There was was heightened security this and metal detectors this year because of the idiots who were going to shoot up the Pokemon convention in Boston. Thankfully since Penny Arcade's Robert Khoo is a freakin’ ninja they figured out some line optimizations and Saturday and Sunday entering was back to normal.
Speaking of Pokemon...
Nintendo was representing in full force with some old favorites!
A rare sighting of DSmooth in the wild!
Kirby Battleborn Photobomb!
I somehow managed to adult and not buy all of these!
I kickstarted the last game from Infamous Quests. Here's Steven Alexander haning out with his knitted buddies!
Walk like a Hyrulian!
Escaping the floor from the press hour before the masses descend!
That awkward moment when you meet Ron Gilbert who worked on all your favorite games like Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island and totally space out that Gary Winnick who also worked on all those games is standing just to your left! #worstfanever
Sweet Fallout cosplay!
Away team engage!
Not sure if it was a Pan-galactic gargleblaster….
I wonder if those vacuums are functional. I would definitely hire Luigi’s Mansion Cleaning services!
I found Carmen Sandiego. She was with Waldo the whole time!