Games for Windows LIVE Officially Coming to XP

When Gears of War was officially announced for PC at Microsofts’s E3 2007 Press briefing. People were speculating whether or not Games for Windows LIVE was going to be coming to Windows XP. Some were saying that maybe GameSpy will be used for multiplayer or Microsoft was going to force users to upgrade to Vista.

Today the Gamerscore Blog answered this question in a post entitled “The Sixth Tech Myth”. In the posting Micheal Wolf said:

You should all breathe a sigh of relief and know that Games for Windows — LIVE will work on Windows XP. When the development team was working on Games for Windows — LIVE, they focused on a single platform to ship the first iteration of online play, and that platform was Windows Vista. Now that Halo 2 and Shadowrun are out and available, the team has been able to go back and finalize the work done to make sure Games for Windows — LIVE works on Windows XP.

So there you have it. No need to upgrade to Vista for gaming. Because the LIVE service is coming to a Windows XP based machine near you!

(Thanks, Gamerscore Blog.)

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