Slow video game release week leading up to PAX East. Speaking of which I’ll be at PAX East along with Derek and Tiffany so let us know in the comments what games we should check out! So far I’m most looking forward to Iron Maiden to see if 3D Realms can rise from the ashes with an influx of money from a Danish investor. Mmm danish…
Also since there’s only one game coming out this week as a bonus enjoy these gaming April’s Fools Pranks.
Penny-Punching Princess
Platforms: NS, PSVita
Release Date: April 3, 2018
“Imagine a world where money is at the centre of everything we do, where the rich prosper and the poor suffer. Imagine a world where a handful of cash can bribe you into, or out of, certain situations, where…”
Seems the opposite of appropriate for a game coming out the week of April Fools…
April Fools 2018 in Gaming
Speaking of April Fools here’s a quick recap of some video game related ones this year
Kudos to NVIDIA. I’d totally take a Portal class!
I guess Pokemon Go is still a thing and got a graphical “upgrade”
Oh and speaking of Go, Squenix wants in on this trend too. Complete with harvesting stick
Razor has a new product for human lag
Sad graphics cards in the crypto-currency mines probably shouldn’t take Bitcon Donations
Rockband Meditation