The glut of VR titles continue and this week its HTC/Valve’s turn to drop games for the Vibe. I’m not yet sold on virtual reality, mostly because I like playing games with other people in the room with me but I’ll hopefully get to check some out at PAX East in a few weeks.
Quantum Break
Release Date: April 5, 2016
Platforms: PC, XBOne
Microsoft is publishing this 3rd person shooter action game. The cover art borrows from a few too many different James Bond movies for me but the premise of the game sounds interesting. Players control Jack Joyce who has the power to freeze time. The game is also broken up into segments with video episodes in between that are based on the choices made in the game.
Dirt Rally
Release Date: April 5, 2016
Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOne
I assume this one involves cars and um dirt...
Dead Star
Release Date: April 5th, 2016
Platforms: PC, PS4
Dead Star is a twin stick multi-player space strategy game that’s been on Steam early access for a while. It hits actual release this week on PC as well as PS4, free if you are a member of Playstation Plus.
Enter the Gungeon
Release Date: April, 2016
Platforms: PC, PS4
When I first saw this title I thought it was was Enter the Gungan as in like a Jar Jar Binks game. Instead I guess its a dungeon, gun portmanteau since its a shoot ‘em up dungeon crawler 8-bit style where you get to annhilate cute things.
Job Simulator
Release Date: April 5, 2016
Platforms: PC
I think I played this one at an indie games festival or something a while back. It’s a launch title for the HTC Vive VR set. The game is set in a future where robots have replaced the need for jobs. Future bored people can instead play this blast from the past virtual reality game to find out what it would have been like to have to work in a convenience store, office, as a chef, or a mechanic.
Hover Junkers
Release Date: April 5th, 2016
Platforms: PC
Having just finished Tales from the Borderlands, this one is reminding me of the virtual reality version of the spave RV race. Interesting to watch the linked video and see the game and the player using the rig. Looks like you need a pretty big living room for this one to work.
Sorcery! Part 3
Release Date: April 5th, 2016
Platforms: PC, Mobile
The third installment of this choice based adventure from the mind of of Steve Jackson comes to PC this week.
The Gallery: Call of the Starseed
Release Date: April 5, 2016
Platforms: PC
Another VR title. I do like adventure games but that trailer is giving me a Myst in Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace vibe and that’s my all time least favorite adventure game. This one is coming out in episodes on Steam.