Up here in the great white north we have a holiday on the first Monday in August. It is known by a number of names across Canada but most of us call it August Long or August Long Weekend. Either way, it is happening right now and so far I can't complain. I have gotten a little more of Shadow of Mordor in (for 6$ i couldn't pass it up and I will review it soon...spoiler...it's great!), did a little camping for a night out in the bald ass prairie, watched Lost Boys with my girls and I still have one more whole day! Sadly I have to go back to work on Tuesday but TitaniumNuts sent me a video of these two Aussie's who have a YouTube channel who went to Germany to help build their Focus RS but now I need to seriously rethink my priorities. Anyway, I will go back to work on Tuesday where I will be drowning in email and dreaming of...New Releases!
Let's see what's on tap!
Platform: PC, PS4
Release Date: August 8th, 2017
It has been a few years since Cliff Bleszenski left Epic games to form his own studio called Boss Key productions. That studio's first title is set to drop this week and is a throwback to one of his most beloved games Unreal Tournament. LAWBREAKERS is a multiplayer only FPS that looks fantastic but I will not be playing. I know it is only $29.99 USD but I really don't need to spend any more money to prove how much I suck at these games. That being said, LAWBREAKERS has a long uphill battle against Overwatch so it will be interesting to see how it does.
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Platform: PC, PS4
Release Date: August 8th, 2017
Why does everyone in this game seem to be having dental x-rays taken? They all walk around with mouths open and clenched teeth. It's weird. Hellblade is a 3rd person action adventure title but has some psychological undertones regarding Senua's journey through hell as she imagines it.
Sine Mora EX
Platform: PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One
Release Date: August 8th, 2017
Sine Mora EX is a side scrolling shooter that much like LAWBREAKERS I will totally suck at. Back in the day Defender was a quarter sucking monster from hell and I likely paid for that entire cabinet 3 or 4 times over.** You would think I would learn after a while...but nope. To this day, I play them, I suck at them, I still play them. Thank jeebus I have my own arcade unit to play them on. Chances are when Sine Mora EX is on sale, or better yet free, I will be sucked into this game and spend way too many hours not making it past the first level.
Sudden Strike 4
Platform: Linux, Mac, PC
Release Date: August 11th, 2017
The fifth game in the series and the fourth standalone, Sudden Strike 4 is a WWII based RTS. I do love my RTS's and I love the idea of the Pause and play feature so you can strategize for a second or two and not just react. I mean that's how I play RTS games...doesn't everybody?! For you PS4 folks, Sudden Strike 4 comes out on your platform on August 15th. But really RTS games are best played on PC...so just do that.
Platform: PS4
Release Date: August 8th, 2017
Originally released in 2015 on PC, Blackhole is coming to PS4 this week. This side scrolling platformer's tag line is "Save the Earth on this Epic Suicidal Mission". Watch the trailer below. Blackhole looks like it could be a fun one on console.
**My guesstimate on that machine alone I spent probably around $2000 over the course of 3 years of high school...sigh...what I wouldn't give to have that kind of disposable income nowadays. I was making maybe $3.20/hr at the time but in Grade 12 I managed to find another job that paid me almost $8/hr. I don't want to do the math to see how much time I wasted working to play Defender. It will make me sad.