It's the last week before Christmas! Are you excited? I'm excited! The kids are excited too now that presents have started showing up under the tree! I still have a bunch more to wrap but I can finish that off this week. The game releases have dwindeled down to pretty much nothing or crap at this point. There is really only one worth talking about.
Let's see what it is!
Life Is Strange - Before the storm: Episode 3
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: December 20th, 2017
I played a little of the original Life is Strange at E3 a few years back. I apprecited what the game was trying to do and while I interested it is just not my type of game. Before the Storm looks really goood but again not my type of game. I think Mrs-Soup would actually really enjoy the game and now that she just finished Breath of the Wild she is looking for something else to play.