Coffee Memoirs: Quick question, anyone lose any of their digits this _th of July? I like a good fireworks show but too cheap to buy my own and dealing with people and the long lines to leave just isn’t my thing. So, no show this year for us… only the sounds of a war zone to endure late into the night. This week in games seems a bit like a fireworks show to make for it but I think a few of these are just the sparklers and not the mega sized mortars we were hoping for.
I am going to blast my way through this week, fireworks pun. Trying something different this week and packaging them all together like one of them Walmart fireworks bundle boxes. Here is a good firework to make things better. https://youtu.be/y7lH-fWHbtw Enjoy!
July 12
F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch – for the Switch. This little beauty touts a badass rabbit with an oversized robotic arm backpack attachment. Metroid style combat. https://youtu.be/eOqif3M_UFY
Hellpoint – For PS5 and XSX. Originally released in 2020 for the PS4 and Xbox One. Darksouls style game set in a deep space station hell. https://youtu.be/SiPJ0SQfmB0
July 13
Loopmancer – For PC first and the rest of the gang later. Suck it consoles. This game features a Ninja Gaiden kind of feel with an environment that can be interacted with in deadly ways for you or your foes. Your enemy is apparently a middle aged dad bod man who hates you. https://youtu.be/pAvQ5pjNQVc
The Tale of Bistun – For PC and XBO. Well, I think this game reveals once and for all how ancient temples were carved from a single giant stone with such amazing detail. Yup...I have ocean front property available if you agree on that. This game is about a love struck man with a magic hammer unlike Thor’s. https://youtu.be/0N_K6fIwlRA
July 14
MegaMan..err..Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 – For XBO and XSX. Yeah, that about sums it up, if you like MegaMan with a whole bunch of Dr. Robotniks… you will probably enjoy this too. I tried to find a trailer for this game and came across more game play and GUNVOLT 3 which launches later in the month. Looks like this is an older series getting a spit shine to generate interest in the upcoming game. 3 looks a bit busy for me but if you like the MegaMan vibe, Gunvolt 2 might be the way. Skip through this full game walkthrough for some impressions. https://youtu.be/SdNqqe1y3iE
Escape Academy – For PC, PS4, PS5, XBO, XSX. Do you like escape rooms? If you said no because you would need to have friends for that or just hate other people… your in luck! You can solo this Escape adventure without all those pesky people who have no idea what they are doing but still got invited.
I would consider this one personally, other people just hold me back and I don’t need them now, friends might be an issue too? https://youtu.be/RBX6LGc7AwQ
Eyes in the Dark: The Curious Case of One Victoria Bloom – For PC. Ever wish you could fight the night with a flash light? Not likely but pretend you did and now you can melt that Boogieman with your 5k lumen flashlight of extraordinary power! Interesting look for sure. https://youtu.be/_PEy_TR1xPY
PowerWash Simulator – For PC, XBO, XSX. Well, I am running out of patience and time and I think you need both of those to play this game as intended. I think its great they are making games about household chores or tasks and eagerly awaiting the real world results! I hope someone who loves to powerwash things comes to my house, goes all the way around meticulously without missing any spots just because they played this game and now love it. Without drawing a dick and balls and leaving. https://youtu.be/unvuuweAW_w
That last one is enough trouble for one day, have a great week!