Coffee Memoirs: The freedom to play video games did not come lightly. So many things we take for granted in todays age. I am not jealous of the hardships that were endured to obtain our freedoms we enjoy every day but very thankful. Why people try to push one sided agendas and division is disgusting and I hope for peace, love and brotherhood amongst us all.
With all that freedom we have, I’ve been playing games again lately and loving it. Anyone that’s read my previous posts knows I am a Borderlands 3 junkie and that I’ve been eating up the DLC 3 content which recently released. A new level cap of 60, new gear available and the quick grind to secure a few weapons to prepare us for the Mayhem 10 battle we press ourselves into. I have completed it and all the objectives and can say that it was a lot of fun, the content was solid, and I loved the storyteller atmosphere that came along with it. A few bugs early on which were resolved, and I will be running my other characters thru the campaign as well securing that sweet Mayhem 10 Loot.
So, what’s coming up? I will give a short description for the racing games that won’t be covered below… there are 5 more pixels in every frame pushing the boundaries even further than before. Sorry to all the racing fans out there but I count it rare for them to make significant changes from year to year but on July 10, you can check for yourself in F1 2020 or NASCAR Heat 5. That choice is your freedom.
Release Date: July 7, 2020
Platforms: SWITCH, PS4, XBO (Already on PC)
There are no portal guns here but if you can bend your mind’s point of view after some experimentation you might be able to find a way. Puzzles inside of a dreamscape, where as things seem only last till you change your perspective.
Release Date: July 9, 2020
Platforms: SWITCH, PS4, XBO (Already on PC)
2D Action role-playing game with puzzles and dungeon crawling for equipment in a sci-fi world. Looks a lot like something we may have played on the Nintendo in its glory day. Indie project that was crowd funded, has a free demo available on Steam by the looks of it if you want to give it a shot.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2
Release Date: July 10, 2020
Platforms: SWITCH, PS4, XBO, PC
2D side scrolling platformer. First impression is most definitely Castlevania 2020 but Simon doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting. You gain Ally characters that you can switch between, supports co-op, casual or veteran mode, you can SAVE. I think I may have sold myself on this one.
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris
Release Date: July 10, 2020
Platforms: PS4, XBO, PC
If you like anime, you probably like Sword Art Online. Super easy to have an instant connection with other fans of the animated series but have you played the games? I have not. The graphics look beautiful and becoming of the series but the button mashing games I will leave to others to enjoy as I enjoy the anime.
Have a great week and enjoy those freedoms!