This week we’ve got some new comers and some franchise updates. Does the mom on your shopping list want the latest video games? Here’s what you can get her a gift card to pick up next week!
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Release Date: May 14, 2019
Platforms: XBO, PC, PS4
This single player action adventure game follows two siblings fighting to survive during the 100 years war and black death. It use puzzles and stealth as the main gameplay mechanics.
Rage 2
Release Date: May 14, 2019
Platforms: PC, XBO, PS4
Rage is back and this time Bethesda swears it's actually got an open world! Developed by id Software and Avalanche Studios (of Just Cause 3 fame) this one looks like it will have lots of first person shooting mayhem and vehicle combat. The graphics and cinematics look amazing and a lot less gray than the first game.
Bubsy: Paws on Fire!
Release Date: May 16, 2019
Platforms: PS4, PC
The Nintendo Switch version was delayed but for PC or PS4 the wait is over. Bubsy was the platformer cute mascot who wanted to compete with Mario and Sonic but only ever gained a cult following. This the 6th game in the franchise depending on how you are counting. It promises an awesome soundtrack from Stemage.
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Release Date: May 16, 2019
Platforms: PC,PS4, XBO, NS
Konami why you no make trailorz?! Don’t you want me to advertise your game? Instead watch the fake one Smashed Potatoes made I linked above. This title has 8 classic Castlevania games from platforms of the past including Kid Dracula which was a Japanese NES exclusive waaaaay back in the 90s.
Release Date: May 17, 2019
Platforms: PS4, XBO, NS
Darkwood hit PCs in 2017 but now its heading to a console near you. It’s a semi-open world game with a story arc. It uses crafting and a day/night cycle to advance your skills and branch through the story.