If you live in North America, and mainly in the northern half it looks like the winter that would never end finally did. Where I live, it feels like we pretty much skipped spring and went straight to summer. One week we were dealing with 6” (15cm) of snow, the next it was 80F (27c)! Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining about the sunshine and warmth. Far from it, but I do enjoy the rainy days for playing games and giving my lawn a free (and much needed) watering! The weathermen on the TV have all been calling for scattered showers this weekend but all I have seen is sun and warmth. Again, not complaining!
Luckily, there are not too many games being released this week. We have hit the official leadup time for E3 where we typically get a little more shovelware and remasters ahead of the big announcements that are one month away. Are you excited for E3 this year? I totally am...in fact I feel a cold coming on that will manifest itself in about a month...cough...cough.
Conan Exiles
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: May 8th, 2018
Conan Exiles has been in development for some time now. Back in January of last year, Funcom released an early access version of the game on PC and then did the same in August for the Xbox One. The completed version will hit physical and digital store shelves this week. One little nugget that surprised me a little was that you don’t play as Conan but as someone he rescued. You just get to play in Conan’s world. After the great Shadow of Mordor, I am okay with playing in the world and not as the main character(s). When it is done well it is just as, if not more engaging.
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Platforms: Linux, Mac, PC (via Steam)
Release Date: May 8th, 2018
The sequel to the excellent RPG Pillars of Eternity picks up right where the first game ended. In fact, if you played the first game through, your actions carry over into PoE II: Deadfire. If you were one of the backers when Obsidian launched it on Fig (note to self: check out Fig) then you already know the amount of fervor there is for this game. PoE II: Deadfire raised over 2.3 million in its first day and 4.4 million by the end of the campaign. While it is only launching on PC’s** for now, look for PoE II: Deadfire to launch on consoles later this year.
**Yes a Mac is a PC (Personal Computer), as is a Linux box...get over yourself.
Laser League
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: May 10th, 2018
Laser League is meant as a futuristic sports game. It takes elements of Tron and mixes in 3 on 3 deathmatches. This game could be a ton of fun if you have reflexes. I do not.