We’re getting close to Black Friday so here comes the glut of games trying to make the holiday season. We’ve got a bunch of oldies but goodies coming to this generation of console and some trusted franchies ready to throw new titles in the mix.
Demon Gaze II
Release Date: November 14, 2017
Platforms: PS4, Vita
Why’s it always feel like, some demon’s watching me...
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
Release Date: October 14, 2017
Platforms: PS4, XBOne, NS, PC
Lego Rocket Raccoon looks a lot like a Fabuland minifig in that trailer. I would play the frak out of Lego Fabuland! Also HOWARD THE DUCK!
Rocket League
Release Date: October 14, 2017
Platforms: NS
Speaking of Rockets, Rocket League hits the Nintendo Switch this week complete with special vehicles from Mario, Luigi, and Samus!
Road Rage
Release Date: October 14, 2017
Platforms: PS4, XBOne, PC
I was hoping this was a sequel to Simpsons Road Rage which is my all time favorite console Simpsons game. Instead it's an open world arcade motorcycle combat game.
Release Date: October 16, 2017
Platforms: PC
Just after Veteran’s Day this WW1 battle hits PC. It showcases the showdown between the Russian Empire and the eastern front.
LA Noire
Release Date: October 14, 2017
Platforms: PS4, XBOne, NS
Rockstar must be working on a better game engine for modern consoles or something. I didn't play this the first time around so maybe I’ll pick it up for the Switch.
The Sims 4
Release Date: November 17, 2017
Platforms: PS4, XBOne
The Sims 4 is back for modern consoles complete with puppies and kitties.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Release Date: October 17, 2017
Platforms: NS
Not sure why but it feels weird to have a Bethesda game on Nintendo hardware...
School Girls Zombie Hunter
Release Date: October 17, 2017
Platforms: PS4
Do you like zombies and J-pop? Me neither...
Star Wars Battlefront II
Release Date: October 17, 2017
Platforms: PC, PS4, XBOne
Umm didn’t this game come out in 2005? Can’t they come up with different names for Star Wars games? At least unlike the game this a is a sequel to (which is different than the one with the same name) this title has a single player campaign and won't’ charge for DLC as long as you are willing to give EA your email address.