I was going to go with a classic take on the Reese's Peanut Butter cup commercial (also as an FYI - I dare you to find a more perfect Chocolate snack) with a little "You've got Turkey in my Football!", "You've got Football in my Turkey!" but it wasn't funny so I didn't. Instead, I am going to talk about the perfection of a game that goes by the name of Vampire Survivor. I think its still like $3 on Steam but it's free on Game Pass for the Xbox and PC. I suggest using a controller, as a keyboard was just not as precise. I know that is weird to say, but it's true. All you have to do is avoid bad things and level up. That is the one simple premise of the game...but it does it so goddamn well! I have survived about 13 minutes in the forest with the nun (that sounds like some kind of horror movie or maybe porn) but the library just kicks my ass right now with any character. You seriously have to play this game. Noob tip - go for the garlic, you can stand there and let the early baddies just disintegrate around you.
Evil West
Release Date: November 22nd, 2022
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX/S
I don't know what to call Evil West. What I do know is I want to play it. I think just sums it up right there. We want to play games we want to play. However, I urge you all not to get stuck in that rut, as there are games outside of what you normally play that just may surprise you.
Release Date: November 22nd, 2022
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX/S
Yes I know it's a video game but how would one even be able to move and shoot with a couple hundred pounds of "coffin" strapped to the tricep area of your jacket?!?!?! Don't get me wrong, I am not a stickler for total reality....I get pissed when I can't double jump in a game, or when my inventory of 50 different weapons is full...and yes I can read the title of this game so in that context having this massive weapon makes sense..but...it doesn't at the same time. For some of you, you might be like "Frickin' cool!" and you know what? That's awesome!
Ship of Fools
Release Date: November 22nd, 2022
Platforms: PC, PS5, Switch, XSX/S
So in the first comment above I stated you should try games you may not think you like. Hades was one of those games for me. The idea of starting over from scratch every time had me staying far away from Roguelike games. I wasted too many hours and quarters in my life on games that did that. Save points save my ass...over and over. Hades was an absolute blast. I didn't beat it. I couldn't beat it. I won't say I loved every minute of it but when I did have fun I had a lot of fun! Ship of Fools follows the roguelike formula but adds in co-op and, maybe I am mistaken but, it almost looks like you have to build the cannons you are to be firing. Thankfully you can play single player as, if Overcooked taught me anything, it's not a good time in the house of soup with games like that.