Coffee Memoirs: Anyone ever wondered how we pick the games to write about on a week to week basis? It’s very scientific. I am going to pull back the curtain and reveal “The Great Wizard of Oz” to you. Sometimes it’s a dart board, closing my eyes and pointing to something on the list with my finger and the time tested eenie meenie minie moe. I am going to experiment with reading the coffee grounds at the bottom of my mug though… that does sound like the new ideal the more I think about it. I don’t see how that can go wrong? The wrong already happened if they ended up in my mug so if they found their way there… they must have something very important to tell me!
Going to keep this short since you have all kinds of online shopping to do. With half your budget gone from the Black Friday deals that started in October or earlier… keep your eyes peeled for those Cyber Monday Deals. So, who has the best deals when everyone says they do? My suggestion is to make your own list and test the methods that I already described and leave the coffee grounds for me alone to interpret.
Random stuff from around the net to occupy your long meaningless COVID quarantining days.
https://youtu.be/9ndZbg8Mr-Q - Halo CE speed run with reaction from the Devs.
Empire of Sin
Release Date: December 1, 2020
Platforms: PC, PS4, XBO, Switch
Times sure have changed a lot and sometimes we wonder what it would have been like to have lived in the same era as Al Capone and other mobsters? Would you have had enough moxie to be a player in the game? You can stoke up a cigar in the comfort of your own home and give it a shot. Treachery, murder, drugs… I think they forgot the debauchery, not sure. Turn-based combat, alliances with other criminals… let the good times roll.
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Release Date: December 3, 2020
Platforms: PC, XBO, XSX, PS4, PS5, Switch, Stadia
Retitled from Gods and Monsters, this is an open world action adventure style game. Hud, mechanics and gameplay experience are like Assassins Creed Odyssey and Breath of the Wild got stuck quarantining together and made a beautiful Covid baby.
Dragon Quest XI SL: Definitive Edition
Release Date: December 4, 2020
Platforms: PS4, XBO, Switch
Described as a role-play game I can understand why kids are experimenting with sex as youth never-mind the fact that they already have raging hormones anyhow. The objectification of women has been prominent in games for years as it was a male dominated industry over the years. VR chat Dragon Quest edition is probably next on the docket. IT’S NOT THAT KIND OF GAME!!! What? … its not?... of course not. Carry-on! JRPG with “ENHANCEMENTS”, ohhhh… Enhancements.
Cheers everyone, and good luck on the Cyber Monday deals!